Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Brunch!

One of my favorite things about Easter is a fancy Sunday brunch! Unfortunately, this is quite difficult with a church schedule, so in the past I have made quite a production and done an Easter brunch on Saturday. Last year, Mandy, Megan and I were in Boston for the Marathon (which also happened to be Easter Sunday) and so we got to experience Easter Brunch for real! Anyway, yesterday, we decided to do Easter brunch for dinner. Here is the menu (and recipes will follow):

Baked French Toast w/ Praline Topping
Asparagus and Tomato Frittata
Early Morning Oven Roasted Potatoes
Easter Grass Slaw
Fruit Salad
Hot Cross Buns
Orange Pound Cake Eggs
Chocolate covered Marshmallow eggs

I know it's a lot of food, but Stratton's never run out of food at any of their functions!

1 comment:

  1. I love Easter brunch and I'm so sad we missed it this year! PS - I love that picture of us!
