Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Southwest Chicken Salad

We had this at a ladies function at our church a few months ago and it was great! This is my friend and workout buddy Angie's recipe....

Southwest Chicken Salad Romaine

Heads of Lettuce 1-2 (depending on size)
2-4 Grilled Chicken Breast
3 Roma Tomatoes - chopped
1 Red, Orange and Yellow Bell Pepper - sliced or chopped
1/2 bunch Cilantro chopped (not too fine)
1/2 cup Shredded Parmesan cheese
1 can Black Beans - rinsed and drained
1 small bag Frozen Corn - thawedTortilla Strips - you can buy them or you can fry strips of flour or corn tortilla in oil
Southwestern Caesar Salad Dressing - Look for it at HEB/Grovery Store (you can also substitute with plain caesar dressing if you need to)

You can layer salad or toss all ingredients together just before serving. Tip--add romaine lettuce after tossing the other ingredients so that it will stay crisper.

She served this is a large clean bucket and it was so festive!

I hope you enjoy it! Its a great salad meal...one of those yummy salads with enough stuff it in so you feel like its a meal and not just rabbit food!

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