Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Watermelon Cookies

Children LOVE these cookies. They taste like a sugar cookie (not like watermelon) and are so cute!

½ cup shortening
½ cup margarine
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
1 ½ tsp. almond extract
2 ½ cups flour

Color 1/2 dough red, ¼ green and leave ¼ white. Shape red dough into a long tube and freeze. Roll white dough out into a rectangle and shape over red dough (using a little water lightly spread over the white dough will help the two layers stick better). Freeze. Roll out green dough into a rectangle and shape over white and red oblong dough. Refrigerate.Slice and place on cookie sheet. Place 6 tiny chocolate chips on watermelons so they look like seeds.

Bake 350* for 7-10 minutes. While still hot, slice in half.

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