Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pork Roast with Cumin/Mixed Berry Sauce

Heat oven to 400 degrees
2-3 lb. pork loin
salt and ground black pepper
1 cup chopped fresh strawberries
1/2 cup strawberry preserves
1/2 cup other berry preserves like boysen, black, or raspberry (can mix 2)
1 t. ground cumin
2 parsnips, peeled and cut in large cubes
Olive oil

Put pork in baking dish with a little olive oil on bottom. Season the pork with salt and pepper.

In a small bowl, combine the strawberries, preserves and cumin. Mix well and pour over the pork. Arrange the parsnips around the pork, rolling them in the olive oil. Roast 45 minutes in the oven. Remove and let the pork rest for 10 minutes (so doesn't lose juices) then slice and serve with sauce to pour over. Yes, the parsnips make a difference and they are very tasty, too.

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