Friday, September 28, 2007

Company Carrots

Well Mandy- better late than never! Here is a side dish recipie for you, you have probably had it before at Thanksgiving or somthing! I know your sister love it.

2 1/2 lb baby carrots
1/4 liquid from carrots
1/2 c mayo
1 TB horseradish
1 Tb minced parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 c cracker crumbs
3 TB marge melted

Cook carrots, save liquid. In a bowl combine liquid, mayo. horseradish, parsley, salt and pepper,
add carrots and coat well. Mix marge with cracker crumbs and spread over the top of carrots. Cook at 375 until crumbs brown and it is heated through. about 15 minutes.

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