Sunday, August 5, 2007


I was always afraid to attempt this sort of pasty. But it is really pretty simple so give it a try!

1/2 C margarine or butter
1 C flour
4 eggs
1 pkg vanilla or chocolate instant pudding ( I prefer them with vanilla)
1 cup whipping cream ( optional)
Chocolate Glaze ( recipie below)

In a medium saucepan combine margarine or butter, 1 C water ad 1/8 tsp salt. Bring to
boiling. Add flour all at once, stirring vigorously. Cook and stir till mixture forms a ball that
doesnt seperate. Remove from heat. Cool 10 minutes. Add eggs one at a time, beating wit wooden spoon after each additional egg till smooth.

Drop by heaping tablespoons 3 inches apart, onto a greased cookie sheet. ( makes about 10)
Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes until golden brown. Cool , then split puffs and remove any soft dough from the inside, leaving room to scoop in pudding. Replace tops. Spread chocolate glaze over top. Can add a dallop of cream to top and even in the middle if you wish,

Chocolate Glaze

4 oz of chocolate ( i use chocolate chips)
3 TB butter
1 1/2 C powdered sugar.

In a small saucepan melt chocalate and butter over low heat, stirring frequently. Remove from heat stir in sugar and 3 TB hot water, stir in additional water if neccesary. Pour over each eclair.

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