Thursday, March 29, 2007

Strawberry Cream Cake

So last night was the annual "Dinner and Silent Auction" Fundraiser for the YM/YW in my ward. I signed up to bring a dessert....this is the first time I have made this cake as a layer cake, but I think it looks pretty good this way when you're going for presentation.

1 yellow cake mix
1 8oz. pkg cream cheese, softened
2 c. powdered sugar
1 pint heavy whipping cream + 2T sugar
1 pkg. Danish dessert (or the pre-made gel filling for a strawberry pie)
1 lb. strawberries (if making a layer cake, save some large whole ones for decorating)

Make cake according to package directions. Bake as 2 9" rounds or 1 9x13". Dump out onto serving tray and cool completely. (An over-turned jelly roll pan works great for this if you are making the 9x13" version.) A couple of hours before serving, whip cream with sugar to form stiff peaks. Beat cream cheese and powdered sugar until smooth and incorporated. (This will be very stiff at first) Fold whipped cream into cream cheese mixture. Slice strawberries and mix with the Danish dessert (made according to package instructions) or the strawberry pie filling.

For the 9x13" cake: Frost with all the cream cheese/whipped cream mixture. Top with the strawberries and sauce. Refrigerate until it is time to eat.

For the 9" round cake: Pipe about a two inch wide and one inch high layer of the cream cheese/whipped cream mixture on the top edge of the bottom layer. Fill in the center with your strawberry mixture. Place second layer on top of bottom layer. Frost entire cake with remaining cream cheese/whipped cream mixture. You can either top with the strawberry/glaze mixture or top with several large whole strawberries to achieve the look in the photos. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

This cake does not save well. If you are not going to use all of it in one sitting, you can create individual servings (this works best with a 9x13"). Do not frost the entire cake. Simply cut the cake into individual pieces, top with the cream cheese/whipped cream mixture and some of the strawberries and sauce. For some reason, when they are not all assembled, the individual components of this cake save better.

1 comment:

  1. I used this recipe to make mini cupcakes for a bridal shower. Just make the cupcakes, use the Bismarck tip to 'inject' the strawberry gel into the center, frost the top (I use a big decorator tip to pipe it on so it looks pretty!) and then garnish with a slice or two of fresh strawberry. They were a hit!
